
The Great Gatsby: The Trailer

Is everyone else as excited about this film as I am?

I'm intrigued by the casting - Tobey Maguire seems just about right as Nick Carraway, but in my head Gatsby was taller, thinner and more angular than Leonardo Dicaprio, with a slightly more haunted air. 

Also, isn't it so funny how Daisy is always blonde in adaptations, when in the book her hair is dark? Maybe it's her personality rather than her follicles to which they are referring. I like Carey Mulligan a lot, so big hopes for her, and the girl with the short dark hair who I presume is Jordan Baker seems suitably clipped and implacable. I also love Baz Luhrmann - his 'Romeo & Juliet' is still SO exhilarating - so fingers crossed that this film is equal to the challenge.

Has anyone seen any of the previous adaptations?


  1. I am as excited- And I have seen both the 74 version and the tv adaptation in 2000. The 74 version the set design was gorgeous, but I hated Mia Farrow, so much it ruins the film for me.

    Regarding Daisy as a blond, I think it has more to do with the colors Fitzgerald uses to describe her. White and gold, and she is the "golden girl"

    1. Hi Laurie, who made the 2000 version? I never liked Mia Farrow in anything else, especially because she makes me think of Woody Allen weirdness, so I can't imagine particularly liking her in this. Think I need to search out these two adaptations before seeing this film.

      Good call on the 'golden girl' aspect of Daisy - that scene where we first meet Daisy and Jordan in the billowy white room is one of my favourite passages in literature.

  2. I read the book earlier this year - I liked it but didn't love it. I am looking forward to the film though, the casting choices sound good as they are all pretty good at acting.

    1. That's true, those are some good actors right there :) You didn't love it? T's one of my faves.


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