
Floating Over Tokyo

     Now, I had planned and written this post about a Japanese photo blogger prior to the events of last Friday, but I think, publishing it as I am today, that it's only appropriate that I place it within its current context. 

     Like everyone, I am truly humbled and horrified by the earthquake, subsequent tsunami, nuclear reactor uncertainty and the height of the likely death toll.  Combining that with the resultant economic worries and the psychological and emotional impact of losing one's loved-ones, posessions and homes, it's clear that those in Japan will need to stay in our thoughts and our prayers for some time to come.

      I actually lived in Japan for a year of university (in Kyoto, on the south of Honshu, which has mercifully been spared) and know that the Japanese are a tough, resilient people who respect and accept the changing tides of nature and are not under any illusion about being able to control or avoid its volatile power. The events of the last few days have obviously dealt them a shocking and unexpected blow and I have no comprehension of how it must feel to see your defences overthrown and your people suffering, but I have no doubt that soon enough the country will start to rebuild itself and communities and families will come together to cope in the best way that they can. 

      The photos in this post are by and feature Natsumi Hayashi, a photo blogger who takes photos of herself seemingly levitating above the streets of Tokyo in the hope that 'people feel something like an instant release from their stressful days by seeing [her] levitation photos.' They might seem like small fry in the face of such destruction, but it seems entirely appropriate to me to send our thoughts and best wishes to the country at the same time as admiring the inventiveness of their people and their beautiful, delicate art.
     I'm thinking finding literary inspiration from her photos shouldn't prove too hard.

     A full interview with Natsumi is available on My Modern Metropolis and her full website can be accessed here.

     It's possible to make a donation to the Red Cross to help with the disaster relief (if you're American) here or (if you're in the UK) here.



  1. You should not be afraid of giving this post more prominence. It is exactly the kind of post people need to see so they can understand why Japan is so important, and why their people have such an inventive streak.

    In light of all the negative news about Japan, this post is the only one that brought a smile, and for that Lyndsay should be commended.

  2. Hey, thanks James. I'm touched and glad I can have a positive influence on the Japan situation in any miniscule way.

    Maybe I'll share it on Twitter once more.

  3. Also, here's another article about Natusmi Hayashi, from the the Wall Street Journal:



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