

     Just out of interest, is anyone else doing this?

     For those who've not seen it,
thenextbigauthor.com is home to a competition in which you upload the first 5,000-7,000 words of your novel at Arts Council-funded youwriteon.com between the 17th and 31st May 2011 and entrants rate each other's pieces throughout June. The top 5 rated pieces will then get a professional critique from Random House, Bloomsbury, Orion, Little Brown or Hodder & Stoughton, which I'm sure you'll agree would be worth having.

     I will be nervously uploading my 7,000 words tomorrow when the competition opens and will jubilantly respond to reviews with a review myself (although you need to have entered to view/review/participate), so hope to see some of you there. Any of you. Anyone? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone?


  1. My friend referred this site to me. I think everyone know about your blog, it was just me, until now. Definetely going to read your other posts. Thank you for your efforts.

  2. Thanks, and welcome! Hope you enjoy the other posts x

  3. The line "I will be nervously uploading my 7,000 words tomorrow" from Lyndsay should be reposted next year. For when her novel is published, those that follow her blog will remember where the journey to publication started.


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